Sunday, December 14, 2008

Drinking Water For Healthy Living

Drinking Water For Healthy Living

Drinking water is very useful for maintaing physical as well as mental health.
It helps to form the structure of protein and glycogen. Water regulate the internal temperature of the body and maintains a constant fluid balance. It is best way to drink water when we get up from bed in the morning. Our body constitutes 60 to 70% water in form of various fluids. Water quantity should be increased when we get dry mouth,headache, little urine or urine infection, constipation. People who do daily excercise, live in hot and humid weather or suffering from fever or diarrhea,vomiting need more water.


Margaret said...

Nice post! And very informative, thanks for it by the way. Our body really needs water and it's very important for us especially to those athletes as well. They must drink some supplement watere , it function the same as the water that we took and good for us to replenish our body after a hard day of work. Thanks again and I wish to see more of your post.

sign said...

Great post...thanks for the reminder to blog about the everyday things that people want to read. As a real estate agent, I

too struggle with what to blog about. Thanks!

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